Peanut Butter Smash cookies!


Our gluten free peanut butter smash cookies are on the cooling racks this week, HELL YEAH! We’ve taken the best of all the different pb cookies and combined them in one – crispy on the outside, with a chewy center and sweet and salty all in one bite. Are you drooling yet!?!

Limited Edition Holiday Cookies: Mini Iced Gingerbread Snowflakes

IMG_6895Introducing our new mini iced #gingerbreadsnowflakecookies HELL YEAH! These limited-run holiday cookies are exclusively available at The Cow’s End Cafe (34 W Washington Blvd.) in Venice.

The mini-sized cookies pack the same flavor our regular sized snowflake cookies are known for. (And stay tuned for our announcement of those being available!) Crispy with sweet icing and, just like natural snowflakes, no two are the same!